PE DRESSING DEPARTMENT POLICYThis the verbatim excerpt taken from our 2021-22 Bear Pride Handbook:
"Students are required to change out for PE daily. School or street clothes (worn under or over PE attire) are not acceptable. The required PE uniform for classes are the following: 1) A gray t-shirt and royal blue athletic shorts with name written in permanent marker. 2) Athletic gym shoes with rubber soles and socks. NO platform shoes. CMS shirts and shorts are sold through the Physical Education Department." "During colder weather students are able to wear sweatpants and sweatshirts OVER their required PE unfiorm or CMS leggings underneath their shorts. Sweatpants, leggings, and sweatshirts are also sold by the Physical Education Department. (Only blue or gray leggings CLEARLY MARKED with student's name for PE will be allowed- all other leggings are considered street clothes.)" PE UNIFORM CLASS GRADING POLICYDressing out for PE accounts for 10% of a student's overall grade in class. Each teacher has a slightly different policy around how to deduct points. Here is my policy:
Every students is given 50 points for the semester. Each dress cut will result in a 5 point deduction. When a student has 10 dress cuts or more, they will receive 0% in that category and lose all 10% of their overall grade. I will have opportunities in class for them to make up a certain number of these points with "Buy Back" Assignment options. |
PURCHASE & COSTHow to purchase a uniform:
Cost:PE Package- shirt, shorts, cinch bag.............$30.00
PE Shirt..........................................................$12.50 PE Shorts.......................................................$12.50 PE Sweatpants...............................................$20.00 PE Sweatshirt.................................................$25.00 PE Cinch Bag.................................................$10.00 |